17 March 2009

So Who's Up For Creative Advertising?

There's this one website which I always fancy to go to, which is Toxel.com (link on the left of my blog). What I like to see is the creative advertisements created across the world. Simply amazing and mind blowing! I have nothing but respect towards those behind the scenes of creating this advertising 'art'. One thing which makes me, a lil bit curious (you can't help it but to wonder), why are all these adverts found only in the Western and more developed countries? Why isn't there much adverts of such calibre here in Malaysia?

I'm not saying none, as I've seen some interesting adverts here in Malaysia (the one that I can think of right now is Maxis's football advert with the tagline 'By being a better man, you can be a better fan'). I'm not just talking about TV adverts. We're talking billboards, adverts at public transportations, and many more. If you happen to check on Toxel.com, there are some really, really sick adverts; adverts with that 'wowww' factor.

Of course there are some adverts which is not really suitable for our country and will stir some great amount of controversy (like the Axe deodorant commercials you can check out on YouTube). There is however a lot of room to explore the imagination and seek the creative inspiration without being, you know...pervy. So, why can't we see more of these creative adverts in our local scene? Could it be that we're not just...quite there yet? Let me just share with you some example of bus adverts with a simple premise, yet delivers the message very clearly.

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