12 May 2009

A Lame Ass Ride Trying Hard On A Highway: Not A Scene To Enjoy On A Bluesy Monday

I have been rather lazy updating my blog after work at 5, so what I’m doing now is sticking to the original plan, aka typing on my laptop while watching TV. Anyway, this writing is about what I saw during my way back to Malacca to work. So, FYI my routine if I’m in KL during the weekends is that, I’ll be heading back to Malacca in the midst of dawn. Yeah, I actually started driving at 6am (Heck, I woke up at 4am just to get my stuffs ready). Anyway, it was a pleasing journey, cruising along the PLUS highway, with less cars hovering around (one thing I like about early morning journeys). Suddenly there it was, a strikingly fierce Gen-2 (it is fierce Ah Beng style). We’re talking humongous exhaust pipes, ridiculous air intakes on top of the bonnet, not to mention it’s…orange (yup, talk about an eye sore).

And you know what the funny thing is? With this so called ‘killer mods’, you would have expect it to go at least 170, 180 right? You are so wrong! That bugger only drove at like 120-ish (not to mention, he’s on the right lane, which is supposed to be the fast lane! D’uhh). The most annoying thing was that, the big exhaust pipes created this loud decibles, it just breaks the morning silence. You can imagine how annoyed and pissed off I was during that time. It was noisy as hell, and for a prolonged period (coz’ he’s driving slow). Riding in my smooth and quiet new City, I just can’t stand the noise. So there I was, switching into S mode and triggered the pedal shifter. I’ve let my iVTEC purred, I mean really purred. After like 30 seconds, he is gone from my rear view mirror, and the silence finally kicks in. Ahhh, what a relief! Luckily I was not driving the Satria Neo that time. I can easily teach him a lesson or two about respecting the road users. What a douche! Yeah I’m talking about you Gen-2 owner with registration no. WMN 1104. Douchebag!

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