20 July 2009

Seen And Heard: The Merchants Of Bollywood

Usually for Seen And Heard posts, it's always about videos, songs or movies. Well, guess what? This time it's neither about all those. It's time performance arts are brought into picture; in this post namely The Merchants Of Bollywood (MOB). I had a chance to check it out together with my mum and my sister (my mum is such a huge fanatic fan of anything Bollywood), at Istana Budaya on Sunday evening. I was there with an open heart and open mind (I'm not a big fan of the movies, but I don't mind the actress, hehe), but according to some sources the play received some positive reviews. We arrived in IB 20 minutes till the play starts and we could see how this show attracted many. The crowd was so stylo mylo, all dressed up to the nines. And more, the audiences came from all parts of race; we have Malays, Chinese, Indians (d'uh), even the foreigners are feeling the heat too. And Sunday's performance are special with the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister.

MOB is basically about Ayesha, a young aspiring dance choreographer trying to find her hopes and dreams in Bollywood. Her father turned out to be a sensational choreographer back in his days. But then, her father disapproves of Ayesha's intentions due to the ugly side of modern Bollywood and instead asked her to retain her traditional roots. Working now in the modern world of Bollywood cinema, Ayesha now begins to question Bollywood's way forward in story telling as more and more foreign films are followed and adapted, as well as the music that creeps in. There are flashbacks to highlight Bollywood at its peak back in the 70's and its transitioning time to the very recent.

That's about it for the teaser synopsis. Now let me share with you about its performance. Well, first of all, mind you (again!) tat I'm not a huge Bollywood fan, so I can't really appreciate those songs they're singing and being crazy about. But I can tell you this. The show is magnificient! It's vibrant (the costumes are such an eye candy, not to mention the hero will be definitely be drooled by the ladies), dynamic (those jaw dropping, insane dance moves) and filled with heart and passion. Watching the play makes you appreciate what they have been through and what they have become now. It's definitely a pleasant journey into the realm of Bollywood with the lip-syncing, warmth in family values, just what you would expect from watching a Bollywood movie. And that is why I think my mum loves it. It's like watching a live Bollywood movie (minus the stars of course). And the music! man oh man do the crowd enjoyed it! Even the DPM showed that he is also a good sport, reacting to the beats and tunes.

So that's it! Amazing, wonderful, a great experience of the performing arts. MOB delivered it with such a class, we left IB feeling happy and delightful...Signing off, ciao!

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