18 June 2009

When The Going Gets Tough...Will You Work Without Pay?

An interesting development following our upsetting economic crisis. Apparently British Airways (BA) is giving their staffs (that's 40,000 employees, mind you) option of working without pay up to a month, in order for the company to stay 'afloat' amidst the crisis. Wow, talk about being desperate. Apparently this is happening around us as we speak. Back home, I went for lunch a few days back, with a colleague of mine together with his mates from this well-renowned automation and systems company, and he claimed that the company is also taking cost-cutting measures, whereby they have to take 10 days of unpaid leave in 6 months. I guess the heat is now felt by almost everyone; even the professionals in well-established corporations. Let's hope that my company will not resort to this measure as well. It will definitely be a bad sign to the employees, and to the nation, as we have and always been the bread and butter of the nation. So spend wisely people, coz you'll never know whether you'll still get a paycheck by the end of the month!

More on the article can be found here

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